A Brief Inspiration: Brand Strategy Examples

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 Important Steps Before Determining Your Brand Strategies

Brand strategy is an impactful alternative to spread brand awareness to potential customers. In the bigger picture, sufficient brand awareness will increase purchase intention. 

Moreover, with significant exposure to technological advancement, brand strategies vary in endless options. The strategy that each brand needs will also vary based on the attached characteristics and needs. 

Therefore, it is essential to discover the strategy that each brand needs to attract the customers’ attention optimally. Therefore, you will find these brand strategy examples as helpful to refer to the brand strategy that can be applied to your brand.

This article will talk about examples of brand strategy. It is better to dig into all information without skipping the points below!

Why Do You Need to Know More about Brand Strategy Examples?

Brand strategy is recognized as an effective option to broaden the brand recognition to a bigger audience, maintain the consumers’ loyalty, and upgrade the share in the market competition. 

Furthermore, brand strategy bears the multiple roles of advertising the brand while sending the hidden message or vision to the customers. If we send the most suitable message, it is easier for the potential customers to have a kind of attachment to our brand. Consequently, they will consider buying and using the brand’s products and services.

Brand Strategy Examples to Consider for Reference

By learning various examples of brand strategy, you can be assisted in determining which one is the best fit for your brand. After deciding which strategy to use, you can follow it up by constructing the campaign planning to aim for strategic objectives and audience. The followings are several examples of brand strategy that you can refer to:

1. Personal Branding

One rising trend in marketing a brand is to involve figures as the focus, such as celebrities, influencers, politicians, or entrepreneurs. This trend is referred to as personal branding

Most of the time, personal branding develops the so-called public persona of a particular individual to share a story about them and how they want the audience to perceive their image. Usually, the appointed individual to apply personal branding is an expert in the relevant field.

2. Product Branding

Product branding involves one or two top-rated items of a company to boost the customers’ brand recognition and interest. 

The most recognizable example of this strategy is when a cosmetic company purposively produces items outside its product lines. Despite this, the company may keep the particular item to stay the same to maintain the product’s recognizability.

3. Online Branding

Online branding has become a popular marketing option for a brand campaign using digital features. The application exploits social media platforms, official company websites, email campaigns, and hashtags to attract specific segments. 

To this, hiring social media managers, constructing SEO optimization, and aiming particular audience are the things to maintain a company’s online presence.

4. Co-Branding

This one of the brand strategy examples refers to a brand strategy that requires a collaboration among two brands or companies. The collaboration targets purchase deals in a limited time or offers exclusive products to customers within a time range. 

The collaboration typically leads to shared equal benefits in terms of brand awareness and attracting new potential customers.

5. No-Brand Branding

No-brand branding is typically compatible with companies that sell products with simple packaging to maintain lower price margins. 

Beauty companies often charm their customers by offering recycled packaging, which is environmentally friendly. This way, they can deliver their products without the need to mark up the manufacturing cost due to the pain of working hard on the packaging.

Important Pointers Before Determining Your Brand Strategies

After getting to the brand strategy examples above, there are also several highlights to consider before deciding which brand strategy fits your brand or company the best.

1. Brand Identity Should be Crystal Clear

By formulating a clear brand identity, finding the most effective brand strategy to use will be meaningful. Finding the company or brand’s mission and values can lead to the step-by-step of the campaigns so that the marketing strategies can be delivered.

2. The Brand’s Audience Should be Precise

It is sufficient to know the audience of the product or brand that you want to market to propose an effective advertisement. It starts with understanding the target audience and their relevant interest in the brand. 

Further, the strategy can contain information regarding the geographical setting, age range, gender, occupation, and hobbies.

3. Put Courage to Think Different

It is inevitably hard to find the courage to be different. However, being different is as close as being easier to recognize. This point is very well-displayed by the “Think Different” campaign applied by Apple. 

They are knowledgeable about the intense competition for their products. However, they deliver a message of innovation and creativity in their distinguished products.

4. Be Aware of Your Strength

Nike gives an excellent example of the application of this point. They are confident about their brand motivation, making the world a pleasant place to be the best version of every individual. 

Through the “Find Your Greatness” campaign, they offer their products and put the audience as an “everyday athlete” who needs the matching tools to exercise.

Despite the brand strategy examples and the crucial pointers to consider before deciding the brand strategy to use, technology and human development works well together to offer assistance for the need. 

Dreambox is available to think and work for you regarding the best brand strategy that will aim at the target audience through branding service, digital marketing service, SEO optimization service, and website maintenance service. 

If you are concerned about your brand strategy but are short of hands and time, it is the right decision to choose Dreambox to realize your every dream. Not only will they inspire you to find the best brand strategy examples, but you can also save your precious time and energy to market your brand. 

You will just need to explain the details of the brand’s core values and the mission you want to deliver, and they will make it accurate. Thus, click here or contact us to learn more about Dreambox’s Branding Strategy Service!


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