Why Should You Use Influencer Marketing?

5 Mins

“Gone are the days where you’d put an ad in a magazine or use a legitimate celebrity. Now are the days where you’ll pay any plant, animal or mineral with an online following to endorse your product.” – Amanda Rosenberg

Influencer marketing is the hottest social media marketing trend. It is now is a valid and successful marketing strategy used worldwide.

Another way of defining influencer marketing is that influencers act as a content creator to a small community of followers to endorse a brands products. Influencers of all kinds play a growing role in affecting their audience’s decision, and it’s important to better understand influencer marketing and its potential impact in your digital marketing strategy. Usually, the influencer tries it and then post content on her social media with her own thoughts about the product, and it is not rare that they are paid.

Related: Find The Right Micro Influencer for Your Brand!

But, you don’t have to worry about the budget, because nowadays micro influencers, being more affordable than macro influencers, is the trend. Here are the reasons why you need to consider using influencer marketing!

Generate Sales

Influencer marketing pays. It can help you boost conversions and increase your sales. The reason influencers generate sales effectively is that their high engagement rates. Even a small percentage increase in conversions can generate a large increase sales. Depending on the influencer’s channel and the length of the campaign, sales will be generated immediately, in bursts or over a number of weeks.

Awareness, Trust, and Loyalty Builders

Influencers are the link between a brand and its market awareness, While influencers do generate leads and sales as well, they also boost your brand awareness. People have always had a hard time trusting brands and their advertisements. But when influencers talk about your brand, people find it easier to believe them, it is more credible. Influencer marketing is a way for brands to build relationships with both a new audience, and turn their existing consumers into becoming more loyal.

Leads Traffic and Engagement

Influencers relies on how engaged their followers are and how much reach they received, so there’s no denying that influencers are engaged, and like to encourage engagement on their platforms.This makes it much easier for brands to quantify the engagement and impact sparked by their influencer campaigns, and adjust their strategy accordingly. This will also lead traffic to your page.

Related: Connection Between Branding And Marketing

Interested in reading more about influencer marketing or others digital marketing strategy tips and tricks? Click here!

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