A New World Called Modern Marketing

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“A movement isn’t about creating ads and having people passively watch. It’s about creating the tools so people take action.” — Jason Harris

Marketing was known as a job, done by a person who would have knocked door to door and offer products. In this digital online world, marketing has become so wide. Starting by the people who do internet marketing, online shop, online broker, buzzer, influencer, and so many other jobs that can be done on internet. Even designers nowadays offers their work online.

The question is, how to do modern marketing for your product on the internet? Starting with the product you handled. Make sure the product has something different from other competitors. If its a common one, make an innovation to differentiate it, make it stood out from others.

Innovation is a new way to do something or a new version of something. For example, common breads are made from wheat flour, sugar, butter, egg, and yeast. But innovative breads could be made from potatoes, make it sugarless for health, create new shapes, add chocolate or fruits to make it more tasty, make it colorful, and so on. Innovation of a product is important to make it special, so the targeted market will choose it compared to others.


Related: Things to Use in Conjunction with Online Marketing Efforts

After the products are ready, make a social media account, website, blog, or other tools that can be use to share information about the products. Make sure the media is active, could give fast response, and have good visual look to attract the audience.

Some social media will take actions to those accounts that do too much hard selling. To avoid this, learn how to do soft selling such as: make inspirational contents, share something useful, hunt and post nice pictures. Soft-selling is also a great strategy for modern marketing to attract nowadays audience.


In social media, join a targeted market. Targeted market is group of persons who have the same interest in a product that will be sent to the market. In this forum, make yourself known, share the speciality of your product, be active, communicate with others, and be handy within the group’s needs.

Related: 3 Effective yet Affordable Marketing Strategies You Should Use

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