5 Online Marketing Skills All Entrepreneurs Need To Know

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“We must move from numbers keeping score to numbers that drive better actions.” – David Walmsley


Today’s digital age has given rise to an increasingly demanding market, making it necessary and vital for you to not only know how to market your business but that you learn how to do it online. There are so many different tools and resources are available out there for business owners to utilize, providing opportunities that can go a long way in helping any company to get the exposure and strength that it needs to thrive.
Related: Online Marketing, a Step by Step Strategy

1. Facebook Advertising

Despite most companies today having their own Facebook page, very few organizations are actually using Facebook to its fullest potential in promoting their company. Advertising in Facebook is a great way to reach both current and potential customers and target audiences. Facebook can provide you with a budget-friendly solution where you only pay for customers who click on your ads. When utilized and executed properly, Facebook ads have proven itself to be some of the most effective solutions for business owners or entrepreneurs looking to attract new audiences and interests for their company. It is vital to make sure you split test when testing out an ad campaign on Facebook in order to give you a clear look on how effective your strategies are.

2. SEO

The right SEO efforts can transform your search engine results. A campaign that includes SEO optimised content increases your chances of appearing on the top or high on search engine results.  It is a given that search engines such as Google are the number one way that people find new companies online. The higher you can get your company to appear on these results rankings, the more people will find their way to your business. Businesses not utilising an SEO strategy, regardless of their industry, are missing out on major opportunities.

3. PPC Advertising (Pay-Per-Click Advertising)

Pay Per Click Advertising is an online model used to drive traffic to your company website. Whenever an ad for your company appears on their website, you must pay an existing website owner such as google. This is a great way to start getting more people to recognise and visit your side, and essentially you only pay when the strategy actually works.

4. Content Marketing

Your main goal with content marketing plans is to create and distribute relevant and valuable content that will attract a large audience of followers and also to educate and increasing public awareness of your company while proving that you are an expert on your field and industry. Content marketing can include blogs, posts, articles on other people’s blogs and a variety of other content. You should always remember to deliver quality content that truly reflects your brand.

5. Building a Brand on Social Media

Social media is one of the best tools that you need to utilise in order to build a strong brand identity or reputation and engage with your customers. Social media allows for a more intimate relationship with your customers and engage one-on-one with the public. To maximize the potential of utilising social media, you should consider signing up on a variety of social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to reach as many as people as possible.

The power of social media & online marketing cannot be denied and has over and over again shown proof of being able to give businesses “makeovers” and growth, it is best for us to start utilising social media and making the best of this support system that we can access so easily.

Related: Your Marketing Efforts Don’t Go Well? Ask Yourself These Questions!

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