Understand Why Do Brands Matter

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Let’s imagine you are at the supermarket, searching for detergent to wash your laundry. Are you going to purchase Downy, Daia, So Klin or a lower amount store brand? Eventually, a detergent is detergent. Is it correct?

The answer is wrong. Brands matter when it comes to consumer (individual and organization) choices.

The brand has important roles and function for a consumer to identify the maker or source of a product that allows consumers to give a responsibility to the distributor. Indirectly, the consumer will have the knowledge about the product and there is credibility towards the brand. Since the consumer already trusts their own choice that the brand they have chosen is the giver of the best quality, they feel assured of satisfaction with the results of the consistency of the product. No more questions needed or doubting the quality of a brand when you already trust your choice.

Brands Help to Simplify Customer Choices

From the economic perspective, the periphrastically brand helps the consumer in determining the choices both internally and externally. In this case, internally choices mean how much they have to think whether you are going to purchase the brand or not. For example, you only have 15 minutes to purchase a soft drink before you are going to work. You will quickly take the decision to purchase Coca Cola that you often buy and drink. While externally choices mean how much they have to look around to purchase the best product. You do not need to go to the market to find the best soft drink while you already know that you are going to buy Coca-Cola.

Trustable Brand Will Create Revenue

Before having the knowledge about the brand, the customer will have a lot of assumption and expectation about the products. If brands can give what they promise to the customer and being credible enough to show it through the quality and precise characteristic, it will  reach the consumer’s expectation of the brand. Which make it easier for the consumer to take a decision in urgent and the brand to sell their products. For example, Apple was launching iPhone 6s on 25 September 2015. They succeed sold 13 million units in three days after launch. It all because Apple able to reach consumer’s expectation.

Either small business or large company, competence brand will drive marketing strategy which one of the most significance things you can do to your company. A great brand agency will help you to create a trustable brand that will give you the key to turning great chance in the future.

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