Total Communication Campaign, Total Winning

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A clear positioning will help you in organizing total communication campaign.

According to Kotler (1997:257): “Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offer so that it occupies a distinct and value placed in the target customer’s mind.” The essence of positioning that creates a product presence in the consumer’s mind or thoughts based on its attributes. “Products made in the factory, the brand set up in the natural of mind.” The purpose of our brand positioning that is to be different from the competitors.

One of the brands that are a success with the positioning strategy and do the whole communication campaign is Federal Matic. Before 2010, the Federal Oil is an oil brand which is under the auspices of the largest automotive company, Astra. But after that, Federal Oil that was the official oil of Astra suddenly kicked from Astra company. AHM replaces Federal Oil became the conventional oil of Honda/Astra. The main focus Federal Oil is how to win the market share against AHM.

In making the positioning, the Federal Oil needs to know its position by knowing its benefits compared with AHM. After doing some research, it was found that if wearing AHM’s oil, then the engine will easily heat and after three weeks of that the oil will be reduced. Federal should have the advantage of AHM by producing the cooler oil.

The strategy then performed by the Federal has created a public perception that the oil that made in a motorcycle’s factory is not high because it isn’t focused on oil, on the other hand, the oil that is made in the oil factory must be good because it focuses on oil production. Furthermore, the Federal Oil change their brand name becomes Federal Matic. This is done as positioning the brand to differentiate the brand with other brands. Thus society will certainly be more interested because at that time 70% of the real motorcycle are matic.

Federal Matic campaign is “Semua motor penyakitnya sama.” Federal Matic first ads showed Honda Motorcycles. This is done intentionally to attack AHM as conventional Honda’s oil. Federal Matic tagline is “Spesialis dingin (Cold Specialist).” The ad was criticized by Honda since openly attacked Honda. Federal has predicted that Honda will protest them. In subsequent advertisements, Yamaha began to be shown on the ads. The core of a good ad that is consistent. As with any Federal campaign from the first till now always consistent with (hot-cold).

Campaign and brand activation that’s done by Federal oil successfully increased market share by as much as 300% in one year. The success of total communication necessarily is the result of brand positioning. Positioning helps us shape the perception in the consumer’s mind to help consumers see the advantages of our brand compared with the competitors.

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