How The Story of Your Brand Help Build Its Credibility

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“People will ignore or skip anything they don’t like. So brands have to start making things they love.” — Steve Pratt



In recent years, marketers have found that customers cry out for connection with businesses. This is where the importance of storytelling in brand marketing comes to play. When you create a story from your Instagram to the About section on your website, you cultivate a personal connection that boosts loyalty.

Storytelling is not only effective in engaging customers but also to improve your business’s credibility with customers. Here are a few ways storytelling helps in winning new customers and building a loyal customer base.

Related: The Secret Of A Strong Brand

It Showcases Brand Longevity

When you open a website of a business, you can usually read its story in the form of a company history, which shows how the company began. Its milestones such as the date of new branches or locations or new team members will also be written. It can also include the inspiration or history behind a particular product or service. The purpose is to make customers feel as though they’re part of the culture, making them want to buy from the company again.

It Allows Credibility to Shine Through

By displaying your accomplishments in your website, it creates a perfect opportunity to inform your customers about the quality of your brand, product or service. Brands now incorporate the sum total of their successes, the awards they’ve won, investment capital they’ve achieved in the time they in operation. Some businesses does not only display these announcements on their About page, for those who need the trust from their customers to make sales, they will find ways to place their accomplishments directly on their main page.

It Lets Customers Communicate

Customers’ stories and experiences with the company are compiled into one part of the website called customer testimonial. This one of the most influential and powerful form of storytelling, since it serves as a review and rating of the product or service. Companies have the option to either choose a large number of reviews and handpick the most powerful or personally approach loyal customers for testimonials. This will ensure that website visitors only see the most positive commentary on your business.

It Enlightens and Educates

The best storytelling pulls in verified facts, preferably incorporating new information that informs and enlightens. Prior to implementing a new storytelling-based marketing strategy, brands should gather statistics and data, then work the content around it. When new facts are presented, a blog post, infographic, or social media update is more likely to be shared than when a business merely crafts a salesy marketing message or regurgitates the same information consumers have heard repeatedly.

It Starts a Conversation

When customers feel as though they are part of the story, they tend to react positively to the business. This can be accomplished by personalising interactions based on following customers. It is necessary that business reply to customers comments every single time if possible. Demonstrate to customers that you are attentive to their requests and opinions. Some business post a poll or ballot to ask for preferences on an upcoming new product they’re launching. They will then incorporate the winning choice and post new updates with photos of the product that customers chose. This will make it more likely that customers not only continue to interact but purchase the product once it’s available.

Incorporate storytelling to capture the attention of today’s online customers. Make the right approach for your own customer base and continue to re-evaluate your strategy. Overtime, you’ll be able to develop a brand strategy that incorporates both visual content and storytelling in a way that drives results.

Related: How to Build A Strong Brand Image

Interested in building your brand’s credibility but you don’t know how? Click Here! 

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