Scent Your Brand

5 Mins

The scent that was left on your new car is something that was left in memory.

It is almost the same thing when you are first entering the coffee shop; you will smell the coffee’s flavor. The scent that made you attracted to get into the coffee shop and purchased one of their products. The scents that make you feel relaxed and remind you of your childhood memory also comes from the food that displayed or maybe the food that you will eat. So, yes, branding related to one of our senses which are the ability to scent.

Retailers are taking this opportunity to entice the customers into their stores and make them lingering longer than they used to. The company that uses this opportunity is Victoria’s Secret as one of the lingerie company that uses vanilla scent in their store to attract their customer to come. The best scent that you can use to draw is the smell that does not stand out too much. There is an old statement that saying something too much will turn out wrong. It is applied in putting a right scent without making it too obtrusive. Because we couldn’t forget the main idea of branding is to make the products appeal as much as the scent that can attract it.

A consistent brand can affect brand evaluation. Westin Hotels are making the new fragrance called White Tea which implants into the public spaces. Delicate scent is applied to make the customers who come into their hotel can feel the relaxing vibe. This theory was used to Singapore Airlines when they were receiving scented towels to get relaxing experience.

Scent help to built-in sensory marketing advantage such as the smell of Crayola Crayons. They are receiving the odor from the process of making the crayons itself. But their odor was recognized by a lot of people which they can relate it instantly to Crayola Crayons. The scent of Crayola Crayons becomes a trademark in the market. We can see how much scent can offer a solution for you or to create an atmosphere in a place.

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