Quick Tips to Become Google Pro

5 Mins

Can you memorize all the answers and data for over 40,000 search queries every second?

It seems impossible for us as a human to process it without the power of technology and that’s what so fascinating about Google. As one of the biggest company in the world, Google can stagger 3.5 billion requests a day.

When you search a ‘tomato’ picture in Google images, you will see thousands of tomato pictures with different positions, backgrounds, etc. But which one will you pick out from all the pictures? The HD quality picture or the one with great tomato shape but has low pixels?


Obviously, you will pick the HD quality picture, right?

That’s why smart data is much better than big data. It is not only about the massive quantity of the data but also the quality of the data. How much can this data be useful to the user?

If you have a great data, people will pick your brand over thousands of other brands in the search engine. That’s why you need to find what value that your brand has to create a better strategy to be the chosen one on the internet.

Then, how successfully to be the chosen one?

1. Find the right media platform.


Which media that relevant to your data? If you wanted to put a data about ‘how to ride bicycle’ and put it on your LinkedIn, you will likely to have low traffic on your website. Not because it is not interesting but the objective doesn’t align with LinkedIn as a platform to have professional networking. 

Related: How to Get Famous in Social Media Without Mistakes?

2. Who’s your target audience?


When you create something that online based, you should know first who will see your data. Is it the older between 30 until 50 years old or the Z generation? The older like informative data while the young age like entertaining data, it makes whole differences in understanding the right data to be given to the user.

Related: 4 Easy Ways to Attract Your First Ever Audience

3. Create a brand strategy!


You need to find the insight behind your brand. When you find the insight you will know your brand value. Insight is not only a data that you get from an in-depth interview with the consumer, it is an outcome from people subconscious side. For example, user likes to search on Google. Why? Is it because Google is more knowledgeable? Well, it is more likely because you can find the solution instantly.

Because we all want it practical and easy to find an answer. That’s what you can call an insight.


Well, that’s 3 ways to successfully known in the search engine, you need to find the right media platform, know your target audience and create the brand strategy. If you’ve done with it and still sucks at it, don’t worry, we will help you to figure it out!

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