The Importance of Having a Good Logo for Your Brand

5 Mins

Did you know that change on logo can affect a huge brand’s sale? Did you know that a disliked logo can turn a beloved brand into hated brand? Did you know having a good logo on a brand is that important?

The logo is one of the most important elements of having a brand awareness. What makes a logo so important for a brand is it helps people know and remember the name, the slogan or even the founder of the brand after seeing the logo, which makes a brand more recognizable. For example, when you’re in a mall and sees a fast food restaurant with an old man on the logo, you can already tell that it’s KFC.

Logos do have an impact on brands, as people can easily remember the brand just by seeing them. In fact, it’s easier to remember the logo than the name of the brand itself. Not only that, but logo also pictures what kind of brand they are.
Let’s take a look at the picture shown below:

brand awareness-dreambox-branding-agency-consultant-Indonesia-Jakarta-Singapore

Can you already tell the names of these three big brands without thinking too hard? Yep, the picture shows how impactful logos are towards a brand recognition. They excel in the field they’re working on and people not only consume their product but they love them. In case you didn’t know the names of these brands, they’re Nestle, Dreamworks, and Google. Nestle with their food and drink, Dreamworks with their movie productions, and Google with their technology.

You apparently can’t make a logo for your brand so lightly if you want your brand to be known as a good brand which people can refer to just by looking at the logo. You should consider important things you want to put your logo as it is the face of your brand. Dreambox are always happy to help you think and create what logo that represents your brand fully. Let us know if you’re interested in working with us!

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