The Good Naming Procedures

5 Mins

Once you know how to create a good brand name, you also need to know some different procedures when you will make a name for a product. It is some different methods you should be aware:

1.    Define objectives
Define the branding objectives are things that must be done first. Also, we must establish the appropriate meaning that must be delivered by the brand. At this stage, we must also understand what the role of brand marketing programs and target market.

2.    Generate names
We need to do the branding strategy. Why? Because of the branding strategy was undertaken will create names and concepts as much as possible. At this stage, maybe there will be dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of names generated.

3.    Screen initial candidates
The third stage should be done display all the names that are not by the purpose of branding and marketing objectives that have been identified in the first phase. Moreover, in this third stage also we must take a test to get a list of more manageable. As happened at General Mills. General Mills a public company from the United States began the third phase. Companies engaged in the food industry is starting to eliminate some such thing, the name having an unintentional double meaning; unpronounceable name or re-used. Such as what to do in the third stage, General Mills also evaluated in depth to narrow the list to name a few.

4.    Study candidate names
In addition to the screening on all brands, we also need to collect more information or practically learn a deeper 5-10 name that has become final candidates. In determining the name, we need to do research to consumers to see how the consumer response to our name. But because this step is expensive, often several brands just do testing in each country every name that escapes from the law in the State of the previous screening.

5.    Research the final candidates
Conducting research to consumers is the fifth step that needs to be done. It aims to ensure that management’s expectations regarding memorability and meaningfulness of remaining name. Research conducted can be done through the actual marketing programs, such as showing consumer products and packaging, pricing, or promotion. By doing that, a brand can understand the basis of a brand name and how it uses. At this stage, it may marketers will conduct a survey to many consumers to see the differences in each region and ethnicity. Also, marketers also must describe the effects gained from repeated exposure of brand name and what will happen when the name is spoken or written.

6.    Select the final name
The last stage is a crucial stage. After collecting information from the previous steps, at this juncture, management should choose a name that will maximize branding and marketing goals of a company. Once selected, a company must register the name of the elected official.
Sometimes the new brand name potentially harmful, some consumers might not like the new brand name because they felt it was foreign. However, in some cases, assuming they will not be severe, the association would be lost after the initial marketing launch. And keep in mind that companies should remember lasting effects to be obtained.

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