Find The Right Micro Influencer for Your Brand!

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“Influencers — they’re the best thing since sliced bread. But forget bread; they’re selling like hot cakes. They’re creating huge returns, and they’re only set to keep growing!” – Emily Warna

Influencer marketing is growing and more marketers are willing to increase their budgets to find the right influencers. But, you can still launch a successful influencer marketing campaign, even on a budget. The key lies in micro-influencers.

Find The Right Micro Influencer for Your Brand!-branding agency jakarta, design agency jakarta

Like celebrities, macro influencers with readymade audiences are difficult to engage. Micro influencers, however, are more approachable, and affordable. They also often have the added benefit of better engagement with their audiences than their high-profile counterparts.

When beginning to search a micro influencer  through network, look at the content of each micro influencer. Do they create contents that represent your brand? This influencer will essentially be an advocate and representative of your brand, so make sure they would build a connection between their followers and your brand.

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Where do you look for social media micro influencers? The first place to look is your own. Sift through your social media platforms and your blog. Check and see who’s commenting and sharing your content. Sometimes these people are micro influencers. Let’s take a look of what we should do to find the right micro influencer, shall we?


You can use hashtags to find influencers who are already interested in your product. Hashtags exist for the sole purpose of making content on social networks searchable and accessible. Using free Instagram analytics tools can help simplify your micro influencer search process. You can then look through the users who have posted the photos and then try to find potential micro influencers for your campaign.

Your Followers

This is actually one of the very first steps you should be performing when looking for influencers. If a micro influencer is a fan of your brand, it’s probable that they’re already following you on social media. Although this may seem a bit time-consuming, the payoff is well worth the effort. To make your search easier, try looking at the usernames and bios to see if they might be worth checking out.

Local Bloggers

Networks like Instagram have essentially become blogging platforms for those looking to curate content. However, to find your micro influencer faster, you can also check out Tumblr and LinkedIn. These networks also serve as add ons to further promote and bring blog content to life. Bloggers in your geographic area can be a great resource for local businesses.

Related: 5 Tips to Help You Create Great Content for Your Personal Brand

Finding the right micro influencer for your brand will take a bit of effort from you or can be easily outsourced. Be selective when looking for people best suited to speaking on behalf of your brand. Interested in reading more about micro influencers? Click here!

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