Enhancing Your Life And Business With Personal Branding

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“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon

The term “Branding” used to be only said when referring to a business branding, but with the arrival of social sites & gig economy, Personal branding has become fundamental and also influential. What makes up a personal brand is the core of who you are as a person, a unique combination of skills and experiences that defines you and how you present yourself to the world.

The Importance of Personal Branding In Personal Development

Personal Branding is not only an act of self-promotion, if done properly, iIt can be a personal development journey in establishing confidence, credibility and courage as well as help you define priorities and focus on those aspects of your life you enjoy most.

Personal Branding allows you to identify how to showcase your best self. Helping you to understand your strengths and weaknesses while standing out from your peers and competition. Personal Branding can even give you a sense of “home” by connecting you to others who share the same values and interests you do, teaching you to be “human” and have more meaningful interactions with others while conveying your message and values.

Related: The Connection Between Personal Branding And Brand Ambassador

The Importance of Personal Branding In Employment

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, developing and cultivating a personal brand has become more imperative than ever. In 2018, CareerBuilder conducted a Survey that has shown that during the hiring process, 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates and 43% of employers use social media to check on current employees. Personal branding can also be very advantageous and beneficial from the employer’s perspective.

Companies should encourage employees to build strong personal brands because it’s good business. When employees are allowed to represent their company at conferences or events, not only are they developing themselves but also providing the organization more exposure and credibility. When they are viewed as trustworthy “thought” leaders, employees can help acquire new customers and retain existing ones as well.

The importance of cultivating Personal Branding can also be proven in the gig economy that is not going away anytime soon. Studies have shown that the average person switches jobs every 2 to 3 years, and by 2020, 43% of the U.S. Workforce will be made up of freelance and contract workers. Diane Mulcahy, the author of The Gig Economy says, “We’re seeing only one trend here, which is that the gig economy is big and getting bigger. Companies will do just about anything to avoid hiring full-time employees. Add to that the fact that there is no job security anymore, and workers are increasingly aware that they need to work differently if they want to create any sort of stability for themselves.”

As a result, it is essential that workers are able to clearly communicate who they are and what they do to stand out to prospective clients and employers. By effectively managing your online reputation, you prevent the risk of losing out on business. 

Whether you’re looking to better yourself or your financial state, Personal Branding is essential for everyone. You don’t need to be the best in cultivating your personal branding, what matters is consistency in crafting and curating your digital presence while keeping it real. Your honesty, transparency and authenticity are what will differentiate you in the long-run.

Related: How To Create Social Media Branding

Interested in reading more articles about Personal Branding strategies? Click here!

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