Creating Your Very Own Perfect Brand Name

5 Mins

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”– Seth Godin

What is a brand without a name? It’s just like a person who doesn’t have a name. People will get confused on how to label him or her, because a name will help you to be known by others. The same situation with a brand name, a name for a brand will make its product and services known and easily identified by consumers.

Brand stands for various types, it can be written as a text or it can be in a form of logo, pictures, figures, and many more. As it might come in form of many format, people often make them as unique as possible to make it stands out than the others.

Sometimes you might need to create up to 5 branding designs before deciding which one is the perfect one for the product and services. It might be hard in the beginning, but actually you can make your own simple branding design, as easy as creating a new creative name.


Deciding the name of the product and services that you want to use is considered as the basic approach that you have to complete. You don’t have to use some fancy name to make it unique, but make sure that the name you chose does stand for the product or the services that you will give.

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There are several approaches that you can consider in creating the brand name. You can use the name of the founder of the product you want to introduce, it is considered common among people who work in the field of culinary, industry, and science; for example in Indonesia, people are beginning to use an actor or actress name as the name of the food product or restaurant nowadays.

Giving the founder name to the product usually will help the company in gaining the costumer trust, as they are not only selling the product but also selling the name of the person.


However, using some public figure name is not the only solution in creating a good branding name, as it can be as simple as describing what you do in business in 2 or 3 words. Sometimes creating new words can also be good. Keeping in mind, creating a brand name can be approached in different ways, depends on what you want and how you want to promote them to your consumers.

Related: Things to Avoid When Developing a Personal Brand

Interested in knowing more about branding? Read here for more!

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