Brand Archetypes for Small Business

5 Mins

Brand Archetypes have used for a long time by big companies. They allow a company to communicate easily with their customers without having to go into the whole story every time. For example, the Volkswagen Beetle is used for the “innocent” archetype so that each time you create a new ad; we remember their story and every statement can be built on another. Each time, they sell you a picture of a playful, innocent fun so that you can expect that image in their advertising. So far, though, brand archetypes much harder for small businesses to use. This is because most of the brand archetypes used to require one of two things not usually available for small businesses that are massive advertising budgets and huge teams

For example, one of the most popular brand archetypes is a caretaker. However, this archetypes model means that you need a huge customer service staff. (Otherwise, you sell the idea. “We will always be here when you need us”, but only provide “customer support 9 until 5 local times.” That kind of cut results in happy customers.) This means that small businesses need examples specialized Brand Archetypes selected to meet the unique needs of small businesses; archetypes that work even if you have a small team and limited resources. Fortunately, there are five archetypes that are not only available for small business owners but in fact is more power in the hands of small businesses. But, before we review those five archetypes, there is another problem with the traditional archetype systems there that we need to address.

Brand systems traditional archetype is esoteric, to say the least.
It’s hard to understand exactly how to portray your business as the caretaker government or innocent. What exactly does it mean? How can this work is the caretaker send e-mail messages? Design a website? The reason these labels work for large companies is that they have full squads responsible for making comments such decisions and evaluations. They have in-house staff dedicated to the brands and foreign companies dedicated to commercial labels. There are also many dedicated minds to one thing, which means it’s easier for them to apply a label that kind of tough relates to.  Small companies do not have this luxury. This means that we need to make Brand Archetypes more accessible so that it’s easy to make decisions with access to a small team.

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