5 Tips On How To Cultivate Brand Loyalty On Your Landing Page

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“Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context and connection.” – Beth Comstock


Your landing page is a great platform for you to start a long-term relationship with new customers. It is your opportunity to make a good impression on your target audience. If it connects on an emotional level and has a clear and transparent purpose, site visitors are more likely to identify with your brand and its values.

65% of the total revenue for most businesses, comes from an existing customer base. The key to remaining competitive in your industry is to build a relationship with your customer from the moment they land on your page through the ordering process.


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Here are five tips on how to draw visitors to your website and keep them staying on the page:


1. Consider Visual Layout & Aesthetics

It has been said that the formation of a first impression of your website is made in milliseconds by your site visitors. The overall design has a significant impact on whether the person stays or bounces away. A visually pleasing design draws site visitors in and keeps them exploring and staying on the page for you to make an impression.


2. Place Contact Info where your visitors can see it

Place your contact button where users get direct access to it from the moment they land on your page. It would not be a good idea to leave visitors to fend for themselves and search for your business contact information as they would probably not want to do business if they sense even a little bit of confusion. In addition to the contact button, do consider having a live chat feature or a toll-free number right near the top of the page.


3. Personalise Results

To tailor your content to different audience segments, create more than one landing page. For example, if you have locations in two cities, target locals in City 1 with one landing page, and users in City 2 with a second landing page. The more specific you make the pages for each audience, the higher the chances they will become loyal supporters of your business.


4. Create A Streamlined Experience

What makes your landing page memorable for the visitors and potential clients will be determined by the user experience they experienced of your site. Ensure every element on your landing page works seamlessly. Test all buttons beforehand and make sure the sales funnel is clear, so users go from landing on your page to the action you’d like them to instinctively take. Adjust elements and conduct tests to see what needs changing and what works well.


5. Make An Emotional Connection

In a study conducted recently, experts found companies that successfully make an emotional connection have customers with a 306% higher lifetime value, and are much more likely to recommend the brands to others. Your landing page must make and trigger an emotional connection with your readers, and the best way to do that is to figure out what they need and where their emotional pain points are.

Essentially, everyone is looking for their happiness and happiness is infectious, when a customer sees others are happy with what you offer and you aren’t afraid to put reviews of your brand out there, they are much more likely to give you a chance and begin cultivating a relationship that creates loyalty and trust.


Related: Boost your Career with Personal Branding

Interested in learning more on how you can cultivate relationships and brand loyalty with your customer? Click Here!


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