3 Ways Storytelling Helps Build Brand Awareness

5 Mins

“In the modern world, impactful brand storytelling is about how to look your audience in the eye, digitally.” — Amelia Veale



Brand storytelling is defined by the use of emotional, authentic stories by a business, company or organisation to drive growth and cultivate customer loyalty. It can be seen in social media, content marketing, digital marketing, SEM, SEO, advertising, public relations (PR), events, brand strategy and many more.

Brand storytelling has been proven to be one of the factors that can play a big part in the success of a business. Businesses can succeeded in making its product and service stand out by interconnecting the stories of the brand to the process of conceiving, building, launching and marketing the products and services. In this article, you will learn 3 ways storytelling helps in building brand awareness.

Related: How The Story of Your Brand Help Build Its Credibility

1. Structured Storytelling: The Petal Structure

Just like flowers that has petals that are connected to one core body, Petal structure is a popular storytelling technique where one idea is created by several unrelated stories tied together. The process of storytelling using this technique means that each stand-alone story comes with its own narrative that eventually drives the readers’ focus back to its main plot which acts as the foundation.

When you present how individual stories are connected through the same foundation, you emphasise the importance of the main plot and your message is conveyed. With each and every individual story, the storyline is eventually returned to its foundation, core or root by using similar wording and emphasising that the platform was the common denominator in each and every story.

2. Differentiate your territory and mark it clearly.

The massive amount of competitors offering the same products and services that your business is offering makes it necessary for you to make sure that the topic you’re writing to is focused on your core products. Make sure to always differentiate what you’re offering even if it means that you end up in a very small niche.

Taking this step will allow your brand or business to have its personal space of ownership and authority and avoid competing for awareness with a massive competitor. To differentiate your products from larger data companies, make sure to focus on specific trends and changes that is of a practical interest to your target audience.

3. Look out for national and international trends.

You can make your product exposure lifeline longer by latching on issues that are currently covered in the press. The content of the issue doesn’t have to be related to your industry but it must act as bridge between the two industries. Some stories got wide coverage and raised the organic traffic of the business’ site due to its success in tapping into a desire for content about a specific topic from a new angle.

The success lies in getting your product noticed by building the right story around it instead of just producing unique content that doesn’t always covered by the press or guarantee attention.

Brand storytelling can influence how audiences weave the image of your business in their mind. You will make mistakes along your brand storytelling journey but with consistency, discipline and the willingness to keep improving, your brand awareness will grow eventually.

Related: Brand Story as a New Approach to Introduce Your Product

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