3 Tips on Making Your Brand more Visible

5 Mins

“The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability.” –Simon Mainwaring

First of all, before getting any further to the article, we need to understand what exactly personal branding is. Personal branding is pretty much the same with branding in general. What makes it different?

Instead of getting efforts on marketing your business, as the name suggests, people put efforts on marketing themselves. In other words, personal branding is the activity of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands.

Just like any other brands, people who ‘brand’ themselves need to do something that can make them stand out. If you can’t stand out, you won’t be recognized by people, and when people can’t recognize you, you’ll have a hard time building your brand. But, seeing how many people become influencer these days might going to make you think, “Is it even possible for me to make my brand stand out from all these people?” Well, fret not. The answer is yes.

Here are the tips on making your brand more visible:

1. Be active online.


Social networking platforms are one of the most must-have elements for influencer who intend to brand themselves. Why? It’s because by using social networking platforms, people can access you and your content with ease. It’s 2017; almost everybody uses the internet. Also, social networking platforms can help you to get closer to your audience. Sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. will help you a lot. Designing your website is a good idea, too.

2. Host seminars and webinars.


Just like websites, you also need ‘traffic’ to stay relevant. Share to people what you have in mind. Educate and move them to the point where they would feel weird without your presence, both offline and online. Seminars and webinars can help you create and sustain the engagement between you and your audience.

Related: Activate Your Brand to Ensure Success! 

3. Create a strong, distinctive value.

Always have this question in mind; “Why should people see and follow you?” Influencers often forget that creating contents they personally like is not enough. They need to take people’s opinion into account, and combine it altogether. That way, you can add values only you have, and people will enjoy your content.

Sure, it’s easier said than done. But, if you’re willing to go out of your comfort zone, there’s a chance for you to achieve your goals and grow your personal brand, rather than just staying the same for a long time.

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