3 Personal Branding Hacks Every Entrepreneur Should Know

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“If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.” –  Howard Schultz


The advancement of technology has caused total warfare in the business industry. Entrepreneurs face extremely fierce competition with one bringing down the other and this is where business who invest in cultivating personal branding wins the war. Businesses need to give clients a reason to not only choose their products but also to choose them as a brand.

It will never be easy to keep up with the war against likability but if you know the right strategies, you can not only gain the right tools, you can even be the winning team. But with the following five personal-branding hacks, you can increase your branding success exponentially.

Related: Find The Right Micro Influencer for Your Brand!


The Power of Influencer Marketing

Believe it or not, an influencer with thousands or more followers could do in one day what would normally take you years to accomplish. The first step is to pick an influencer that is a leader in your industry. You could interact with this person directly by showing interest and commenting on their content. You could also email the influencer directly to compliment them on a recent video or post. Ask them questions or share some thoughts of your own.

If your content is relatable, useful and high-quality, there’s a good chance the influencer will share it with their audience. Over time, a synergistic relationship will form. Repeat this process with as many influencers as you can find.


The Importance of Guest Blogging

As John Rampton, Due founder has recently pointed out in a recent Forbes article, the assumption that guest blogging is not as important this year is definitely wrong. The reality is that guest blogging can launch your personal brand into whole new levels.

You should choose the topic based on the answers of questions that you would ask to yourself such as: “what subject are you the most knowledgeable about? what is the niche that really ignites your passion and urgency?” These are the topics you’ll want to choose for your guest blogging endeavors. After a while, your brand will start taking flight in the blogging scene.

It is important for those of you who have never done any guest blogging before to pitch successful bloggers in your industry. Look for bloggers with a great influence that has a large following and readership—ten of thousands of readers, or preferably even more. Establish contact with the blogger and offer a few potential blog post titles you think their audience will love and can relate to. If you can write a little synopsis, outline, or some bullet points of what the post will cover, all the better. Here’s some more guest blogging advice from John Rampton.


Talk it up at speaking engagements

If you have the ability to speak confidently and knowledgeable about a subject in your field? If so, you have something that many of your competitors don’t. With each and every speaking opportunity covered in the media, there is potential to bring you a new customer and to form a brand image that suits your desired style. It’s best to avoid charging a ticket fee for your first few speaking engagements. The goal, at first is to land some opportunities and gain recognition. As you accumulate speaking engagements, you’ll eventually be known as a trustworthy, inspirational leader.

There are many ways to land speaking opportunities, as this article proves. So get creative and make it happen! Hopefully, you’re more inspired than ever to form an unstoppable and inspiring brand for yourself. As you can see, there are many ways to make this possible. With some creativity and dedication, you can rise to the top while your less-diligent competitors remain unknown.


Related: How to Build A Strong Brand Image

Interested to learn more on how to cultivate a good personal branding? Click Here!

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