How To Build Workers Personal Branding To Strengthen Company’s Branding?

5 Mins

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos

A strong company will definitely stand still in a hard global economy condition. The strength of a company does not only depends on the leader, but also the workers, in any position. Building a strong company branding is the job of all of the company’s members personal branding. 

Every company has it own vision. Whatever it is, it will lead all of the component in the company, so all of it becomes one. But when a worker got accepted to work, each of them has their own vision. Some of them might be more money oriented, some of them might solely wants to increase their experience, and many other possible visions.

Here, the company must try to connect their vision to the worker’s. When workers’ personal branding has the same vision with the company’s branding, they will know exactly what to do and will do it the best effort they could. In the digital world, workers can posts good photos or comment about the company they work at. This will make the company’s branding even stronger, also the workers personal branding, too. 

Related: Avoid These Things to Build a Great Personal Branding

Here are the three tips to build workers personal branding which will affect the company branding. Check them out below!

Choose The Person With Good History

Lately, most company asks for social media account in application.  This will help the company to do social media checking, so they would knew the workers’ background. Those workers who has good personal branding, timeline, and content are preferred. 

Social Media Workshop

Old generation are usually more of a stranger to social media. It would be nice to make a social media workshop to increase knowledge and skill of how the workers build their own personal branding. This apply to all kinds of workers, not just the old ones.


Rewards is an easy way to appreciate workers that use their social media wisely and help to build company branding. Once someone rewarded, others will be motivated to do better.

Related: Learn Your Personal Branding, Get Your Customers!

Branding does not come from the sky just like that. It needs participation of all the member of the company to build it, especially by their own personal branding. Interested in reading more about personal branding? Click here!

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