Why Starbucks Unleashed the Unicorn Frappuccino?

5 Mins

“A brand strategy can enable, sometimes crucially, the potential for an innovation to be realized. There are times when you need to brand it or lose it.” – David A. Aaker

Creativity and innovation are strong personal characteristic in every individual entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you need to adapt to the dynamic market which is why innovation is necessary to maintain and in running your business. Stability and complacency are okay, but if you keep on being in that state, you won’t survive in the marketplace.

According to Zimmerer (2009), creativity and innovation are an ability to find new ways of solving a problem in the future. Innovation prevents the chances of tedium towards your brand. That’s what Starbucks is trying to apply to their business.

Do you remember back in childhood days, especially for girls, about the old story – unicorn?

Starbucks just release new flavor that started two days ago, to be precise from April 19, 2017, that called Unicorn Frappuccino. The same as the name that was given, you can imagine all the magical things from the drink. It has colorful sprinkles on top of the foam and blue-pink marbles pattern from the mixture. The aesthetic visual becomes viral because there’s a lot of people who posted it on Instagram. You can see it here if you keep on wondering how does it taste like.

This innovation is useful as one of brand strategies. Brand strategy is a long-term plan to develop a successful brand that affects all aspects in running your enterprise. You need to do research about your customer (want and needs) to know what is your next step. Develop your brand positioning as well to compete better than the other brands. If you have a great brand strategy, then you will becoming one of a strong brand that always inspires others who purchase you.

That’s why Starbucks have Unicorn Frappuccino as one of their brand strategies to maintain their business and brand at the same time. They create a unique product and let people talk about it as one of the ways to improve brand awareness.

Now, it’s time for you to make your brand strategy after reading this article. If you find it hard to know how to make a right brand strategy, you have us to help you solve it!

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