Be a Part of Thousands Small Business Who Succeed

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“The biggest mistake a small business can make is to think like a small business.” – Postfilm Design

Start a new business can be stressful. There must be a lot of pressure and questions that hunting you every night or when you take a shower. Issues that might pop-up in your head are something like: How to increase sells and brand awareness? Do I have enough money to run the business? Do I have a right strategy?

Building new brand must be challenging since usually, it has limited resources and budgets. Now it is the right time for you to enjoy your shower time because we will give you guidelines that can help to solve your problems. Let’s think like a big enterprise.

First, build one or two strong brands. Yes, it is not as simple as it sounds to make one or two strong brands and sometimes it is confusing to make a right one. Why is it important to establish a strong brand? Because a strong brand can become an efficient strategy to raise awareness much more quickly in society. Apple for example, when they first start it, they picked an apple as the representation as the result of the thought. It can be measured as a strong brand since people can remember it easily and understand the meaning behind it.

Second, you need to focus on the marketing programs (one or two key associations). The core of organizations is to concentrate on the marketing program that can make your enterprise lift up at the right time. Good marketing program can grab people’s attention. Let’s say you are doing an event or sale in the big day such as New Year. The potential customer will come to see and purchase your products. Even though they are not going to buy your product, at least you can raise brand awareness and give a quick brand education in the marketing process.

Third, use an integrated set of brand elements. It is necessary for a small enterprise to maximize their contribution to building brand equity. Create a brand element means you can shape the brand image and awareness. This can be supported by visual engagement such as the unique design that encourages the customer to purchase it. Kinder Joy, for example, they created a unique egg design for wrapping their chocolate and gave fantastic toys for kids.

Fourth, develop an innovative and interactive campaign. To compete better in the marketplace, small business should develop a push and pull campaign that can grasp people attention. Of course, this is challenging especially when you have a limited budget. But now you can make a mini and straightforward campaign through social media to minimize your expense.

Fifth, influence as many secondary organizations as you can. A body has the possibility of having a relevant association which can be beneficial for you to build brand equity. You can also create a well-designed website that can make your enterprise looks bigger than what it looks.

That’s few guidelines that you can follow to create a great small business. Don’t worry; we can help you directly if you still want to boost your business efficiently. Remember, you are not alone. You have us!

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