The Soul of Your Brand is Brand Elements

5 Mins

Brand Elements just like the human body, different from one another.

A brand element is an immediate thing when we create a brand. This is necessary because the brand element serves to identify and differentiate the brand. A brand that does not have the brand elements can’t be said as a brand. In fact, the model of customer-based brand equity also suggests that marketers should choose a name element, it aims to increase brand awareness. The name element itself include brand names, visualization,  etc. To build a real brand equity, several criteria must be possessed.

In general, there are six criteria when determining brand elements, including:

1.    Memorability

Brand elements always have a connection with the brand equity. Memorability is a necessary condition to build brand equity to achieve high brand awareness. For example, propane gas canisters brand name Blue Rhino featuring mascot animals’ powder-blue with a distinctive yellow flame is likely to remain in the minds of consumers. Brand elements that we make must be catchy and easy to recognize.

2.    Meaningfulness

In addition to the brand, parts should be remembered; brand items also need to have a real meaning, both descriptive and persuasive. It is hoped this meaning can influence consumers to consume these products. Description of the meaning contained can be:

  1. General information on the categories and contents of the product.
  2. Specific information about particular attributes and benefits of the brand.

3.    Likability

Brand elements are easily remembered and recognized, meaningfulness, and likability would attract offers many advantages. Besides brand elements are clear and convincing marketing communications section will assist in building awareness and brand equity. Also, the brand elements must also be aesthetically unpleasant.

4.    Transferability

Transferability measures the extent to which brand elements increase brand equity for new products or new markets. There are several aspects to criteria like this:
First, how brand items useful for lines or extensions category?

Usually less specific name, the easier it is to be transferred to the entire group.

Second, to see the extent to which brand elements boost brand equity across geographical boundaries and market segments?

It depends on the content of the cultural and linguistic quality of the brand elements.

Difficulty in translating names, slogans, and packages into other languages and cultures are also encountered by marketers who are already top, and it has become legendary over the years. For example, Microsoft. When Microsoft launched Vista operating system in Latvia, Vista’s name means “chicken” or “female shabby” in the local language. To avoid such things, companies should review all elements of their brand to see the cultural meanings before being introduced into new markets.

5.    Adaptability

The fifth criterion for determining brand elements is an adaptation. Adaptation from time to time. Changes in consumer value, or simply because of the need to keep the contemporary brand requires that most of the elements be updated. Brand elements are adaptable and flexible will be easy to update. For example, a logo or a character who can be given the look or design a new one for them appear more modern and relevant.

6.    Protectability

Last criteria when determining brand elements is the brand elements should be protected both in law and in a competitive sense. Companies should choose the brand elements can be protected by international law, registering the name to legal entities which remain officially, and defending trademarks of a competitive unauthorized breach. Additionally, a brand must be protected from competition. If the name, package or other attributes are easy to copy, there will be many unique names that may be missing.

Thus, when determining brand elements six criteria must be considered. Brand elements should be easy to remember and easy to recognize the first standard that is memorable.

Second, the existing brand elements should be descriptive and persuasive means meaningfulness or significance. Brand elements should also be exciting and fun, and it aesthetically pleasing, it is the third criteria of brand elements is likable.

The fourth rule is, transferable where we have to remember that this product will be sold not only in the region but also across geographical boundaries and cultures so that we also have to consider the matter.

Brand elements that there must also be flexible and easily updated, this is the criteria for determining which brand elements into five, namely adaptable. Recently, the brand elements created to be legally or practically legally protected.

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