Re-Branding As Proven Ways To Compete Your University in Marketplace

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What’s the difference between you and the other university if they also do branding and offering their specialties like what you did? Indeed, you need re-branding, or your university couldn’t be able to compete in the marketplace.

Let’s say that your university wanted to put an advertisement for the first time. Do you feel proud about it already? If yes, I want to tell you that it is not enough to compete because the other universities besides you have already using the advertisement, even Universitas Gajah Mada as Indonesia’s favorite university also using this method already.

This indicates that now, universities aware how important marketing and branding.

If you are putting an advertisement, the question is what you get with advertising? What will happens when you are busy with advertising, while the other colleges are busy looking for potential students.

The other universities are busy by making incentive program for those who recommend and get matriculant. So the point is, many colleges are now no longer rely on one marketing communications tools, but they utilize all marketing communication tools and integrate to achieve one goal, to get new students.

The university as the brand was built on their identity, and it is shown visually. I will give you an illustration, imagine that your university was known as a world-class university. It can be seen clearly with what?

Well, it can be seen through the composition of the student, logo, language of instruction, teachers, social activities and achievements as well as others.

Identity led to perceptions about the so-called brand image in the minds of the audience. Ideally, between identity and brand image should be in harmony. If there is no harmony, it means that you need a re-branding.

At first, the re-branding was used to overcome competition issues. Universitas Indonesia uses it as one of strategy to promote their new master of the management program. In the process, re-branding strategy applied to adapt to all changes. This used because almost certainly in changing circumstances, an adequate positioning strategy in a particular period, become irrelevant because of the change of time, the age of target market, and the weakening of the associations that formerly strong.

In the context of branding, universities are currently required to do repositioning because they experience situations – called Jack Trout – as a micro-crisis. Today almost all universities should adjust their plans to their changing environment. This is because some of the changes in the environment which then creates the internal crisis.

And by re-positioning, it means that it is included re-branding that crucial to address the micro-crisis in the future. If you are clueless about how to re-branding your university to be able to compete in the marketplace, Dreambox can help to overcome your crisis together!

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