Questions You Should Ask Before Determining Customers Satisfaction

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C’mon admits it, for several companies, employees is not working as a prominent role. They tend just to sit either standing up while doing their jobs without having a real connection with the companies.

But that’s what the several companies missed because large enterprises such as Dell and Best Buy can survive in the marketplace because of their customer-centric approach.

Customer centric approach means that there is an engagement between the employees that have a great relationship with the companies and give the best services to the customer.

According to Larry Selden and Geoffrey Colvin, customer centric approach indicates that all the employees aware that most of their actions and words to the customers represent the company and how branding works.

So, to determine whether your company put attention to the relationship between employees and customer, here are following questions that can guide you:

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    Is your business looking for ways to take care your customers?

    Sometimes what you feels and the reality is different. Maybe for you, the services are enough, but you forget that what matters in the company is not what you feel but what the customers feel. So, the first thing is to know what the customer needs and create ways to satisfy them.

  2. Do your company and employee know the customers well enough?

    By understanding the customers, it means you can put it into different segmentation. Which implies that you know the customer’s behavior very well with what they needed the most, where the groups go for shopping and how to serve them individually.

  3. Is someone responsible for the customers?

    In every company especially yours, you must have various departments that handling different segment of customers. It is important for your employee to know specifically how to be responsible towards the engagement between them and the customers.

  4. Is your company managed for shareholder value?

    If your firm implements shareholder values, your employee aware how much capital that they’ve invested in a segment and how much earning that they can get from the return. The aim is to maintain positive vibe and creating an eternal relationship with the customers.

  5. Is your company testing new offers and learn from the outcome?

    Understanding your customer’s needs by constant learning and a formal process are crucial to customer-centricity. These have been tested by 7-Eleven in Japan. They served a variant foods based on the weather, hot noodle in the winter for example.

Customer centric means that you prioritize customers above everything else. It is included with what they feel, wanted, and needs. Your existence in the marketplace are remembered as a problem solver, and that’s why it’s critical to determining customer satisfaction.


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