Packaging Innovations for Maximum Profit

5 Mins

Packaging innovations can be a perfect strategy for your brand, too!

Did you know that you can lower the costs and improve the demand for your brand just by applying innovation in your brand’s packaging? Did you also know that to redesign packages and to employ more recyclable materials to lower the use of paper and plastic has always been the critical supply-side goal for many firms?

Yes, you absolutely can reduce your brand’s packaging production costs while raising its demand just by applying innovation to your brand’s packaging!

Because of the supply-side goal, U.S food, beverage, and consumer product manufacturers reported that 1.5 billion pounds of packaging between 2005 and 2011 had been eliminated by them, with another 2.5 billion pounds expected to be avoided by 2020, resulting from an overall reduction of 19 percent in total average U.S packaging weight. These numbers do mean something, a decrease in packaging weight saves an enormous amount of money, lowering the costs of production.

Other than lowering the costs of packaging, it can help to improve the demand for your brand. In nature markets, short-term boost in sales is provided by packaging innovations.

Let’s take a look at Arizona’s increase in sales, after renovating their iced tea and fruit drinks packaging; they succeeded to become a $300 million brand in a few years, without help and support in marketing!

But, to renovate your brand’s products, you’ll need help from a branding agency. Innovation in brand packaging is not as simple as you probably think, there are a lot of aspects that needs to be included. You can probably lose your brand’s identity after redesigning or renovating your brand packaging if it’s not correctly made.

Dreambox is capable of doing so! We’ve worked with a lot of clients (yes, they’re satisfied with our work!), and we are offering you to use our services to enhance your brand by renovating your brand’s packaging.

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