Oprah Winfrey: Personal Branding

5 Mins

In the world of marketing, using popular persons in promoting products is a phenomenon that frequently occurs. Marketers called this personal branding.

Personal branding is the mobility of people marketing themselves and their achievement and careers as brands. This is the most popular marketing system implemented by a lot of young online business owners.


The reason is famous people are providing a large effect on the marketplace. Famous people can draw attention and shape perceptions of your brand through the knowledge that consumer gets from the figure. As a result, a lot of the fans of those famous people might get persuaded to also become fans of the product.

People who admire these famous figures come into purchasing any products that used by these figures. For example, Oprah Winfrey is one of the most famous and influential personal brand. She grossed $125 million in the first year because of her remarkable achievement. In addition, people adore her personality and look up to her as a role model. Therefore, it is very easy for her to influence people’s mindset. Recently, Oprah endorses Hillary Clinton with the hope that Hillary can win the presidential election. Hillary asked Oprah to do so as a result of her previous success in supporting Barack Obama in 2006. Apparently, she was the one who gave a big impact on the success of Barack Obama.


As we can see, personal branding have the ability to maintain brand awareness, image, and reaction for the brand. Most of all, to appoint either maintain your brand, it required endorsement from someone who has a considerable impact.


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