A Kind of Rituals That Can Help Your Brand Last Longer!

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“Ritual is important to us as human beings. It ties us to our traditions and our histories.” – Miller Williams

You must understand what ritual is, right?

It is something that you will always do repetitively and has value in our life. What kind of rituals that you usually do?

Maybe it is related to your religion. You may go to temple or any other worship place. You may always sing or dancing or even do every additional step that needs to be completed. When it’s done, or when you are no longer doing it. What do you feel?

Empty? Is it feels like something is missing in your life?

That’s what a brand can do. You can put some rituals in your brand to be part of people’s life. You can be part of the history. Since we are connected with people in a way to enjoy some things through emotional engagement and symbolic way. When your brand becomes people’s ritual, your brand and products will always remain in people’s heart.

Nostalgia is the aim that you can receive by making your brand be part of everyday routines. It is a way to face the dynamic world. Now you can stop figuring out how to make your brand last longer by following these few steps:

1. Start with Your Tagline.


“Twist, Lick, Dunk.” C’mon you must know what’s the brand. Yep, it is Oreo. Their tagline is catchy and easy to be memorized. Plus, it is creating everyday routines that people can implement and remember it. By twisting the biscuit, licking the sugar and dunk it to milk, it can create an experience as part of the routines. So, it best to make a clear tagline and based on everyday routines.

Related: How to Get Your Branding Noticed!

2. Making It Part of Art and Science.


Have you heard about 6 step pouring experience? Guinness created it about how to enjoy the flavor entirely. There’s a way to make you enjoy the beer which is based on the glass, angle, way to pour it into the glass, the head, the top-off and the critical part is the first sip. All the steps or you can say the “rituals” is made according to scientific methods to allow the nitrogen bubbles creates an entirely creamy head.

Related: Been Thinking on Running Your Own Company? This Article Might Help You.

3. Keep It Simple.


KitKat for example, “breaking the sticks into halves before eating”. It indicate the products directly. You can relate it to how we eat it and that simple instruction impact in how the chocolate present itself before we mess it up.

Final thoughts
Now you know how to deal with the dynamics market by making your brand as part of the rituals. You can start it with the mandatory such as tagline that has a big role in delivering messages to your target market. If you feel like it is hard to find a great tagline, remind yourself that you still have us!

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