Is Maintaining Brand Awareness Important?

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“Products are made in a factory but brands are created in the mind” – Walter Landor

When I ask you to order some pizza, which pizza’s store that get in your mind? Will you call it immediately or trying to find another options? When I tell you to search the information from the internet, what kind of search engine you will use? Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other search engines?

Several years ago, Pizza Hut was the most famous pizza brand in the world. Now, Domino lays at the same level with Pizza Hut. We also knew several years back that Yahoo was the biggest search engine in the world, but now everyone is using Google. Being the best one is already hard enough, and yet maintaining position at the top is even harder to do. These are the reason why maintaining brand awareness is important for our company or ourselves.

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What Is Brand Awareness and What does it Do?


The purpose of all business, either by producing goods or services, is to gain customers. These days, customers’ purpose is not only buying our goods and services. They could also transform into our walking advertisers by telling their relatives and friends about our goods and services. Loyal customers mean they will be using our products repeatedly and also telling everybody about our products and services, consistently.

Brand with higher level of brand awareness means it is easier to gain loyal customers and have sweet spot in the market. If  later on we make different products that have been associated with our brands, it would be easier to penetrated the market.  

Our Environment Is Always Changing


How often do you buy pizza or fried chicken by coming directly to their outlet? How often do you buy them through phone call? In the past, you probably did it countless times. But these days, you could simply order pizza or fried chicken through a single app! Same thing is happening when you try to order taxi. You used to stand still on the side road or order them by phone to get one. Nowadays, we could order a taxi by our apps.

The environment around us is always changing. Pizza Hut could maintain their brand awareness level because of the delivery service. Domino could challenge the Pizza Hut because they have new innovations that meet their customers’s need. Grab has been successful by modernizing conventional taxi around the world.  

Competitors’ Brand Growth


Let’s say people used to buy football shoes at Comfort Shoe Store when they need one. One day, the Cozy Shoe Store also sold the football shoes. With the right branding and marketing strategy, Cozy Shoe Store was successful overlapping its competitor. Nowadays when people would like to buy football shoe, they will go to Cozy Shoe Store first. This illustration could be occurring in any business, including ours.

Related: How To Build Personal Branding For Teenagers

By maintaining brand awareness, the more you do it, and the more you consistent about it, the more benefit you could achieve. Also, it avoids your brand from becoming irrelevant in the public’s mind. Interested in finding out more article about branding in general? Click the link right now!

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