Influencer Branding, How To Pick The Right Influencer?

5 Mins

“Influencers — they’re the best thing since sliced bread. But forget bread; they’re selling like hot cakes. They’re creating huge returns, and they’re only set to keep growing!” – Emily Warna

Nowadays, business and entrepreneurship become new trend especially for millennial generation. They have many creative ideas about business and able to execute it become great business. They also have various ideas about unorthodox marketing and branding strategy that actually work on this modern day.

One of them is influencer branding that means cooperate with influencer, mostly media social influencer, to promote and molding brand image in order to recognize by customer. This branding strategy can be success if you choose right influencer for your brand also your business. There are several tips to pick right influencer for your brand, here’s some of them.

Understand Your Brands

Before picking your influencer, make sure that you understand your brand. This brand understanding includes brand value, brand and business vision, also desired brand image in the future. Once you understand your brand, you will be able to determine who influencer that match with the brand.

Learn Potential Influencer Through Their Social Media

There is many social media influencer that might be suit to your brand. You should do selection process by learn their behavior, activities, attitudes through their social media. Usually the influencer is very active in the various social media, you can learn their attitude from their post also their reaction to fans comment.

Related: Social Media Branding and Why Is It Important for Brands

You also can learn what their hobbies, how they spend their day and so on. If you find one or two influencer that really suit with your brand, you can make it as consideration when you decide to use influencer as your brand ambassador.

Make An Offer And Discuss It

Once you choose potential influencer, make first offer and discuss about it. During the discussion you can judge whether the influencer really suit and right for your brand and business. Through discussion, you can see the influencer response to your brand and their opinion about your brand.

If you see inappropriate manner while the influencer try your product, it is better to cancel your offer. When you’re not comfortable when you communicate with the influencer, it is better not to continue your offer. Good cooperation with the influencer is the key for success influencer branding.

Related: Create an Identity to Help Your Brand Grow Even Bigger!

Using influencer branding to promote your brand can be one factor that determines your business successful. But you have to consider about the cost that you may spend by using famous influencer. Sometimes famous influencer charge high rates for their job as brand ambassador or brand promoter, so choose the influencer wisely and do influencer branding the right way.

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