How to Get Famous in Social Media Without Mistakes?

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“Don’t neglect your brand on the weekend, the social city never sleeps.” – Anonymous


Yep, from the quotes above you can tell right away how much direct marketing is shown as an integral part of the brand nowadays. When you are sitting down on the train, you’ll see people holding and scrolling through their phones.


When you get out from the train, people are walking while reading through their phones, so basically people are crazy about their phones and internet nowadays, including you. Right?


That’s why you can’t deny how much direct marketing such as content marketing, social selling and social media marketing can give you a perfect chance to live up your brand.


You or people can say the potential buyers and user will look up for another information through browser especially from social media about your brand. It all starts from the search engine and the social media itself to get your brand known, but your brand “career” also can go downhill instantly through social media.


Words spread fast. It hurts, we know.


So, that’s why we can tell you few things that you can do to avoid it. Let’s fix it together mate!

1. Choose the right social media.


Social media platforms are so many. There’s Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, Whatsapp, Wechat, and more. But there are only a few social media that can suit your brand. Now, you need to find the “perfect match” for your brand. You can take a look at the demographics if the applications are providing the feature so you can understand the user well.

2. Do not underestimate your visual looks!


You can’t deny how much visual can support your brand to deliver your message to the audience. So, to give the clear message you need to be more consistent with your brand’s visual looks. Coca-Cola for example, the red bottle with classic shape can indicate Coca-Cola right away. It is all because of their consistency in visual looks towards the brand.

3. Find your brand voice.


As a human does, the way they talk can represent their personality. It is called brand voice. A strong voice can help you to find social media strategy. If you wonder how, you can start making a list of your brand unique selling pre-position, then decide the right brand voice that aligns with your brand.

4. Quality over quantity.


It’s not all about publishing all the time or the amount of pictures or texts that you’ve posted, but the content is what matters the most. Build your engagement with the audience or the community. When they are interested in interacting with you, it means you’ve already get their attention which is good to maintain your communication with the buyer or the potential buyer. You can take a look at the influencer to learn more.


Related: Wait, Brand Have Archetypes Like a Human Does?


5. Be committed.


You need to set your objective from the beginning. Let’s say your objective is to increase brand awareness. So, stick to it. Don’t get out from your vision. With that, you can be more focus on creating and share the right content with the audience. Be committed to your goal and make it real!

For further tips, go check out our blogs to fix your problems in branding!


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