How to Boost Your Brand with Visual Branding

5 Mins

“Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” – Paul Rand

Branding is not merely about making sure that the company is delivering the right image to the target audience. Having a strong and cohesive visual to your brand is rather a pretty big deal in branding. Visual speaks louder than it looks, designs shows how you want to be perceived by the target audience, or how you’re different than other competitors.

Visual elements, such as typography, logo, color palette, etc, each communicate a message about your brand value. In short: How your brand looks, matter.

Remember, Branding is not a short-term project nor strategy, it is a long-term investment to your brand effectiveness, and having a memorable-also impactful-visual to your brand helps a lot.

Visual Branding is more than just “looking good”, it is selecting what will work the best with your brand. Also, It should be easy for your audience to understand what you offer when they see your Visual Branding. This is why a lot of brands face the challenge of expressing their personality, because they try to look good with every way they could, but not all of it work well with their brands.


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“Do I need Visual Branding?” Here’s the thing you need to know: even if your “logo” is just your brand’s name written in Times New Roman, you already have a visual brand, what matter is what does your brand trying to tell the target audience, what message it carries. When building and promoting your brand identity, there’s more to the story than just writing words. You need to show off how accessible you are. The audience needs to feel connected to you.

Also, it is really helpful to have a good first impression through your brand’s visual, because what customers sees and remember first is the visual, not the whole image of your brand. The more honest and raw you are, the more authentic you become, the easier it is for audience to identify with your brand.


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Another thing to pay attention in Visual Branding is establishing a certain mood of your brand, it weigh on how your audience would feel about your brand. Think about this, if a bank felt playful and fun, would you feel safe keeping your savings there? Sure, you might enjoy the experience, but of course you will look for a bank that feels more established and professional, a bank that you can trust more. This is why defining the right mood in Visual Branding is important.

Once you understand who your audience is and what you have to offer, the next challenge becomes the how.  How do you present your brand’s personality visually? What mood do you want your brand to feel?

Related: Consider Doing a Rebrand When These Problems Occur!

If you’re just starting up or feeling the need to evaluate and possibly reposition your brand, don’t ever forget to make sure to set up the right look and mood for it.

Worried on how to do the right Visual Branding for your brand? Contact us here!

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