Heineken Win Customer Heart with a Bottle of Beer

5 Mins

“Most of all, differences of opinion are opportunities for learning.” – Terry Tempest Williams

Previously, we all have been watching Pepsi ads that involve Kendall Jenner with Black Lives Movement iconography. Wait, have you watch it? Here, you can watch and read more about it here.

Not long after that, Heineken just releases a new ad this year on April 26, 2017. The advertisement itself somehow win people’s heart especially after what happened to Pepsi ads that controversial at the moment.

The advertisement that has 4 and half minutes duration shows that there are 6 people with a different ideology. There’s someone who dislikes feminism that paired with a feminist, someone that doesn’t believe in climate change that exists paired with someone who does believe, and someone that dislike transgender that paired with a transgender.

At first, they got the task to build a chair and table. In this session, they are allowed to help each other out and have a conversation afterwards. Then move to the session where both of them got questions to be answered. The end of the session wrapped with a mini video that they made in the beginning before they met and discussed their differences while drinking the Heineken beers. It turns out that they can tolerate and respect each other opinions. You can watch the video here.


Through their ads, Heineken succeeded in delivering their brand message at the end of the video. “Open your mind. Open your World” It apparently gives a clear message by making an experiment that resemblance their tagline with positive responses. It connects to their brand values and the target market at the same time.

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