Don’t Bother Running a Business without Social Media!

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Open your Facebook account. Search for any brand that goes into your mind first. Do they have a page dedicated to their brand? Coca-Cola, Apple, Google, even Facebook itself has its own social media account. It’s important for brands to run a social media account. If your brand doesn’t have a social network page, your brand is missing out so much.

The Internet is a must these days. As of 2016, 47% of world’s total population has already been using the internet. In the age of massive use of the internet, social media marketing is a must. Let’s take a look at the graph shown below.


Image source: statista

According to Statista, the estimated number of social network users worldwide has gone up rapidly from 0.97 billion users on 2010 to 2.46 billion users on 2017, and will possibly reach 3.02 billion users on 2021. These numbers prove that it’s a huge mistake for brands not to use a social network. Why is that?

1. Most social networking sites are free.


A medium to promote your brand freely with a big number of audience – you’re missing out the chance to promote your brand to at least 2 billion users. Websites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, etc. are free to use, which makes this the main reason why you should create a social media page dedicated to your brand.

Related: Minimize Social Media Errors to Sustain Brand Engagement

2. You get to interact with your customers.


The interaction between you and your customers is important. Marketers these days usually apply marketing strategy that doesn’t stop after the customers purchase a product. Instead, they continue the relationship by interacting through social media. People love when somebody is paying attention to them, and by giving attention from communicating through social media, you can say that you just gained a new customer.

Related: Use These 3 Marketing Tips to make Your ‘Boring’ Product more Interesting!

3. Building trust towards your brand.


Because it’s hard to trust someone you don’t know these days. Before actually getting to sell your products, you need to at least show to people that your brand is credible. Before social media, companies use tours to demonstrate how their products are being made. But now, with social media, you can show people the quality of your brand, freely.

Is it important to create a social media page for your brand? Yes. Is it going to be worth it? Absolutely.

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