It’s Dangerous for Brands not to Live Up to Brand Promises

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Living up to your promise, sounds very trivial doesn’t it? If you fail to fulfill it, people will hate you for that.

Everybody hates being lied to, especially when the person who lies is somebody that you thought you could trust. Some people say that they would rather not hope for anything to happen to them than being given false hopes. Well, for people reading this article who don’t know how it feels like being lied to, it hurts to the point where you don’t want to talk to the person anymore for the rest of your life.

Now, imagine doing that to your customers.

When brands fail to fulfill its promise, people will hate your brand. People will talk about how your brand fails to keep your promise. It’s dangerous for your brand when that happens because information can be accessed easily these days thanks to the internet. When an influential person talks about your brand’s failure on fulfilling a promise, people will believe that your brand is not credible.

So, what should a brand do with its brand promise?

1. Have a realistic brand promise.


This one’s so obvious, but yet many brands fail to fulfill their obligations. Brand promises are made after thorough research towards the brand’s mission, vision and strategy. The value of the brand itself also is a deciding factor for the brand promise. If the promise isn’t made suitable to the value the brand offers, it’ll be hard for the brand to live up to its promise, and eventually, people will lose their trust towards the brand.

Related: The Secret Recipe of Building a Successful Brand

2. Always keep the promise.

Which one would you prefer, buying products from a reliable brand that always fulfill its brand promise or a brand that never fulfill it? Even if your products or services are good but if you can’t keep your brand promise, people will prefer another brand that lives up to their promise. If your brand never fails to deliver its brand promise, you just obtained a plus point. People will do what they do best: talk to their friend about how your brand fulfills its promise.

Related: Amazing Secrets from McDonald’s

The brand promise is one of the ways for a brand to attain customers. It helps brands to tell their prospective customers what value they offer. But, if they don’t live up to their brand promise, it could lead to a business failure. So, brand promises need to be made carefully.

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