What is Consumer Insight?

5 Mins

We have discussed five factors of brand personality to ensure that you are different and unique in your own way. Now, we are not just discussing your brand but also the consumer itself. It is very important to approach your consumer because the consumer is the one who makes your brand becomes popular and bring revenue to your company. As a result, this approach requires consumer insights against your product. So, what is consumer insight?
Consumer insight is a link of emotions between the product and consumer, which means you need to dive in consumer emotion. How consumers react to a product, service, sales, promotions that you offer to the consumer. A brand requires the brand personality through brand design and packaging. Your brand designer either the marketers should be able to tap into the emotions of consumers that also known as consumer insight.

Coca-Cola as the example, a bottle of Coca-Cola can describe the taste of its product. This affects consumers ‘ thoughts and emotions. Although in the form of canned, they continue to present an illustration of a bottle of Coca-Cola. This is a proof that Coca-Cola’s design has a link emotion with its consumers.

According to Taylor, founder of the Brand Gym, he developed a set of criteria to evaluate brand insight:

An insight could have been clearly visible and sometimes can be too obvious due to lack of attention. The marketer needs to check it again to get new and fresh insights. Also, it will help to maintain and establish a strong brand.

The consumer target can get an insight through repeated information. So, the consumers need to get clear brand knowledge.

By maintaining a deep understanding of consumer’s needs and belief, a consumer insight should remain over time.

All your team should be proud and excited by the consumer insight; it shows that your product is more convincing.
Link emotions or an insight with the consumers is important. Consumer insight can help maintain your brand to be the best out of the best and can overcome any challenges to be a strong brand.


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