Why Building Customer Trust Is Important for Brands

5 Mins

One of the hardest task many companies need to do is to gain their customers’ trust. Customer trust is one of the most important factors that affects a company’s life. If a company is unable to gain their prospective customers’ trust, their business will have a hard time trying to generate sales.

Why is that?

Imagine putting yourself into this situation; one of your acquaintances asked you to lend him your lawnmower for three days. After three days, your acquaintance hasn’t returned your lawnmower. 4 days later, this acquaintance of yours came by your doorstep to return your lawnmower. When asked where he was 4 days ago, he answered, “Oh, I went out of town that day.” Then, you saw your lawnmower hasn’t been cleaned by him.

One week later, he called you back to see if this time you can lend him your carpentry tools. After what he did last time, would you still trust him and lend him your tools?

When it comes to your customers, you definitely don’t want them to lose their trust on you. Generating sales on new customers is easy, making them to return and stay loyal the brand isn’t. If your brand fails to fulfill your customers’ expectation, your customers would rather buy from another brand that can give them what they want, meaning your customers don’t trust your brand anymore. That’s the worst case scenario every brands would never want it to happen to them

So, what should you do to make your customers trust you?

Don’t lie to your customers.


People talk to another people when they enjoy or even hate something. People will know when your brand fails to tell its customers the truth, not to mention they’ll talk about it to their friends. Try to give your customers information that isn’t a lie. If your brand doesn’t have the something that piques your customers’ interest, don’t make up things that doesn’t even exist in the first place. Instead, try to be straightforward. People will like your brand better that way.

Communicate with your customers.


When people know that they can talk to the brand through customer service, they can tell that the brand’s dependable and countable. People would definitely rather purchasing from a brand that communicates with its customers, whether it is through customer service, telephone, or even social networking sites.

Develop a distinctive value.


Brands with unique values are considered as dependable brands. Why? If a brand has an exact same value with an existing brand that has been running for a long time, people would think that the new brand is ‘copying’ the older brand, although in fact it isn’t. Also, when a brand is unable to offer their prospective customers something that original, they’d definitely go for an existing brand, because they’ve built up their customer trust for quite a long time.

Related: 3 Tips on How To Make Your Brand Become More Visible

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