A Brilliant Way to Make Money From Tinder

5 Mins

“We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.” – Erik Qualman

Image sources: Cluebees

When you woke up in the morning, what is the first thing that you do? Making breakfast or washing your teeth while checking up your phone?

What is the first thing that people do on public transportation that you can see? Using their phone to avoid awkward interaction with others or reading newspaper?

Related: Use These 3 Marketing Tips to Make Your ‘Boring’ Product more Interesting!

Mostly, you will probably answer “mobile phone” and saw it as something inseparable from daily routines. This is all because of the development of technology and media at the same time. Old media is evolving along with the development of technology and changing to new media.

You must be aware of new media such as websites, mobile apps, multimedia, social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc. People are trying to connect and communicate with each other even online dating application such as Tinder.

Uniquely, not everyone uses it to connect with other people but also use it as one of their marketing strategies and that’s what happened to Aline, a 18 years old girl who use Tinder to sell her lamp. Interestingly, she’s being serious about it.

This is, of course, gain so much attention and one of click-bait profile, she got so many matches and messages because of this. Take a look

tinder-lamp-Indonesia-Jakarta-Dreambox-branding-agency-Singapore-rebranding-consultant tinder-sold-Indonesia-Jakarta-Dreambox-branding-agency-Singapore-rebranding-consultant

And, the result is pretty fascinating. She succeeds sold her lamp to a man called Joseph for $90. This kind of marketing is extraordinary which is a great idea for you to step beyond the limit. You can create brand awareness for being unique and stand out with this remarkable strategy.

Related: How to Get Famous in Social Media Without Mistakes?

That is the reason why you need a brand strategy, and you can call us anytime to find the right way to boost your selling!

Created by Ai Nanaevania Pribadi

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