5 Questions Business Should Answer During The Creation Of Their Branding Strategy

5 Mins

“Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.” — Walter Landor


The increase in the number of players in each industry has forced businesses to scurry around and step up their game. The availability of different offers along side the same product or services has made it compulsory for businesses to differentiate themselves in the eyes of their customers. This is where a branding strategy is absolutely necessary to have.

Branding strategies are the action plans that organisations use to create their personal identity and differentiate themselves from their competitors. The objectives of a brand strategy is to create identification and brand awareness, guarantee and fulfil a certain level of quality, quantity, and satisfaction of a product or service and help in the promotion of the product or services. A proper brand strategy will give businesses a unique identity, values, personality and voice in their industry. It is crucial to make sure that businesses know what they want their customers to see in them by asking these 5 questions during the creation of their branding strategy:

Related: The Importance of Brand strategy

1. What is the purpose of your brand in today’s society?

It is important for businesses to define a clear purpose for the business itself. Businesses need to deliver their message and purpose with clarity. Answer questions like what inspired the creation of the business? What part of society can the business improve? Does the product or service offer fulfil the needs of consumers? The answer to these questions should be more meaningful, emotional and intimate rather than functional.

2. What are your capabilities?

List down the strengths of the business such as qualified workforce, technical expertise and experience, perfect customer service or a brand new invention. This will help businesses to attract future stakeholders while expressing credibility. It is important to make sure that the offers the business promise in the future will be backed up by these assets and skills.

3. What is your brand personality?

Think about the “human” side of the business. It is important to look at the list of brand archetypes to find out the personality, tone and feel of the brand that will be consistent throughout the existence of the business. Portraying the right personality to the consumers is essential. Determine whether the brand is classic, modern, trendy, ethical, sophisticated and etcetera. Make sure to send the message of the extra value the business can offer to their consumers such as making their dreams come true, nurturing, revolution and etcetera. It is important to be different but still relevant to consumers.

4. How do you want your brand to look like? 

Pick the colours and theme that best represent and is aligned the brand personality. Think of the look and feel that the business wants to portray to the customers. It is best to work with professional designer or branding agencies for the visual identity of the business.

5. What don’t you want your brand to be?

It is important to understand what you don’t want your brand to be perceived as. Make sure to stay true to your brand objectives and values. Keep the visuals implemented relatable to the brand personality you choose. Be different from competitors and if they are mainly perceived as being brave and daring for example, try not to enter the same territory.

The success of the business can be measured upon the delivery of the brand’s promise in the beginning. do some social listening to know how customers perceive the brand and how many products are sold. Always keep in mind the objectives of your business and try to measure its results to stay true to the day-to-day branding strategy.

Related: Brand Strategy And What it Does to Brands

Building a brand strategy that is organised and perfect for your business may be hard to do alone. Interested to find out more? Click Here!

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