4 Social Media Platforms To Use For Personal Branding

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“Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.” – Amy Jo Martin

Personal branding has proven itself over and over again to have a profound effect on the success of a person and their business. The key to personal branding is the proper utilisation of social media platforms. This is the reason why most executives, CEOs, founders post on a range of networks. Instead of posting on all platforms, research on where the target audience spends most of their time instead. Business visibility will be increased by being on platforms that the target audience most frequently engage in. Depending on time and resources, you can choose to use two-to-five social media platforms.

Confusion is understandable when choosing a social media platform to utilise. Therefore, here are 4 platforms to consider when launching a personal branding campaign and how to manage each.

Related: How To Choose Social Media Platform To Develop Brand

1. Instagram

Instagram is one of the most effective social media platforms to be able to visually present your personal branding. You should come up with branding strategies to share your expertise via photos, videos and captions. It is important to create an Instagram account that is a good mix between your personal life and business life.

Make engaging, relatable and interactive contents and post in on Instagram once or twice a day. Use 5-12 hashtags to generate new Instagram followers that has potential to be new clients. Remember to not use too much hashtags as your content may be marked as spam. Interact with other users by liking and commenting on their content to increase your following.

2. Facebook

Facebook is a popular social networking platform that allows users to share all types of content, ranging from text-based content such as news or articles to visual-based content such as photos and videos. Engage your audience and keep their focus on your brand or business by sharing updates once a day, and at least three times a week.

Utilise the features Facebook offers such as Facebook ads to target your demographic by gender, age or location. It is vital to engage with the communities you and your business relate to on Facebook by liking and commenting on quality contents that they produce, this will give you the exposure in that specific community and help build your following.

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social media platform that is compulsory for any professional. Create a profile that lets other know who you are and what you have achieved professionally. Create a company profile for your business so that you can link it to your profile.

Post your content at least once a week, but no more than five times a week. Pick a schedule to post and stick with it. Consistency is vital in growing connections in LinkedIn therefore you should always make the effort to post quality and professional content and engage with groups, communities and connections regularly.

4. Youtube

Before creating your own channel and posting your videos, you must first define your personal brand and have a solid idea of what your content will tell the world about your brand. It is important to publish videos based on your or your business’ expertise, interest and profession. Share videos that focus on specific areas of your industry.

Post at least once a week for best results or every two weeks. Be consistent and see your Youtube subscribers grow.

Social Media Content Automation

The one disadvantage of building your personal brand through social media platforms is that it can be time-consuming and tedious. Utilise social media automation tools to schedule all of your social media posts ahead of time to save time

Interested in learning all about social media platforms and its role in personal branding? Click Here!

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